Hooves Paws Nā Claws - Home and Pet Sitting
House Sitting
House Sitting $20-$30 per stop (depending upon location) for up to one half-hour
1/2 hour includes checking for leaks, flushing toilets, checking locks, alarm systems, turning lights off and on, collecting mail, watering plants, putting out trash, etc.
Pet/Farm Animal Sitting
Non Overnight Pet/Farm Sitting $20-$40 per stop (Depending on location). Up to one half-hour per stop
Overnight Pet/Farm Sitting $75-$100 per night (Depending on location).
Includes water, feeding, playtime, walks, brushing, etc. (All based on each animals individual needs.)
For farm animals care may include turning in/out horses, grooming, feeding and watering them, as well as care for other small farm animals.
(I am also able to care for all types of indoor pets including fish and reptiles.)